Published in 5/2022 - Refurbish or Demolish?


Rauhalinna Manor


Restoration of the old villa and addition of new buildings

Architects Anssi Lassila, Iida Hedberg
Location Rauhalinnantie 90, Savonlinna
Gross area main building 1 131 m2, new buildings 622 m2
Completion 2022–2023
Old building Nils Henrik Agaton Weckman, Allan Schulman 1900
Previous restoration Kirsti Kasnio 1988 (Arkkitehti 1/1989)

In the hands of a new owner, an old villa in Savonlinna underwent extensive renovations and received a few extra buildings on the grounds. The old and the new are engaging in a dialogue that is both delicate and doubtful. Read Miia Perkkiö’s commentary → Cuckoo in the Villa

Photos Marc Goodwin