On Vyborg and Greece – Also Virtually
As the corona epidemic eased its grip, the Museum of Finnish Architecture also re-opened in the beginning of June. Two new summer exhibitions are also open for virtual visitors. Video tours and additional materials can be found on the museum’s website – and a remote vernissage is happening on Helsinki Day, 12th of June.

Uno Ullberg – An Architect from Finnish Vyborg
Museum of Finnish Architecture
2 June – 23 August 2020
Curator: Petteri Kummala
Exhibition Design: Kombo
Uno Ullberg – Viipurin arkkitehti (publication)
Netta Böök and Kari Immonen (eds.), 2020.
Publishers: Uno Ullberg Society and Museum of Finnish Architecture
The main exhibition, curated by PhD Petteri Kummala sheds significant light into the life and works of Uno Ullberg, a Finnish architect especially prolific in the pre-WW2 era Vyborg in Carelia, nowadays part of Russia. Ullberg’s career in the multilayered and international city of Vyborg took an early turn towards Functionalism. Among his many works that still exist in the city, the Vyborg Art Museum (1930) finds especially iconic representation in the original black and white photos.

Are We All Ancient Greeks? Finnish Architects At The Roots Of Culture
Museum of Finnish Architecture
2 June – 23 August 2020
Curator: Timo Tuomi
Visual Design: Karri Kuoppala
Exhibition Design: Timo Vikkula
Olemmeko kaikki Kreikkalaisia? (publication)
Timo Tuomi, 2020.
Publisher: Aedes Oy
Co-publishers: Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Finnish Institute at Athens
Another smaller exhibition, curated by PhD Timo Tuomi, offers a selection photos and travel sketches by Finnish architects, inspired by visits to ancient Greek sites. The name of the exhibition borrows a phrase by 19th century English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, highlighting the major influence Greek art and history have had over Western culture – and architecture.
Even though online content created by museums has now boomed because of the pandemic, the easily accessible virtual tours do feel like great additions to the museum experience overall – and architecture exhibitions especially – even as we slowly return normal times. Both current exhibitions will also come out with informative publications. ↙