
The Architect’s Degree – in Black and White?

In the three schools of architecture in Finland, the curriculums have recently included only a few courses dealing with colour. “It is time to learn to think about the colour of our environment already at the sketching phase”, write three recently graduated architects.


The Construction Industry Needs Tailoring

What if architects applied the practices of recycled fashion in solving the climate crisis?


Who Cares about Land Use?

Ideally, land use planning processes should consider concepts of global justice and planetary boundaries, but today, they are mostly driven by landowners’ profit.


Building Conservation Is About More Than Putting Up a Front 

Building protection is currently focussing too much on the facades, writes Erkki Mäkiö.


Ecocatastrophe Requires Negative Ideas

Architects should get rid of the idealistic view that our task would be to find a solution to any problem, writes Julius Jääskeläinen.


Posthumanism and the Perishing Architecture

The fields of architecture and building could learn from how the rest of the biosphere builds, suggests Panu Savolainen.


Sanatoria in the Shadow of Paimio

During the twentieth century, Finland had 80–85 institutions of care specialised in the treatment of tuberculosis. Paimio’s iconic figure has shadowed the rest of Finnish sanatorium architecture, argue Heini Hakosalo and Emilia Rönkkö.


Photo Column: From Small to Large, Close to Far

The transition of the grocery trade to the large supermarkets in large shopping malls has led to the loss of customers and misery in the old local centres, even though they could provide an excellent platform for small businesses, writes Tuomas Uusheimo.


Is Housing Fair Finland Falling Behind the Times?

What was the take-home from this summer’s Housing Fair? Besides brochures and disposable promotional bags, that is?